Portland Central School

"Opportunity, Innovation and Student Success"

Telephone02 6355 5233



Save the Day Café

The Save the Day Café is open for recess and lunch for Secondary students and school staff. Milkshakes, slushies, coffee, hot chocolate and teas are available, with a choice of full cream, skim, oat or soy milk. 

Primary students access the cafe through a lunch order system. Parents order student lunches through the canteen and uniform store on our Sentral parent portal. The lunch special each day is published as a weekly menu through the Sentral parent portal.

Toasties, pies, chicken burgers and sausage rolls are available every day as well as a variety of other specials. Some days we offer lunches that are made by senior students.

The café accepts cash and EFTPOS payments as well as orders through the Sentral canteen. 

Students who work in the café develop skills in hospitality using an industrial coffee machine to make quality coffees, practising customer service skills, hygenic food management, taking orders and managing money. 

Money is raised to make improvements to the café and to provide opportunities for students to obtain employability skills through certified courses.